Coming Up Roses In The Garden

With all of the excitement of building my fence, I completely missed the fact that a whole bunch of Roses were beginning to bloom in my home garden. I could have sworn only one or two were blooming before last weekend. How had I missed the fact that everything was coming up roses in the garden? I will never know. Nevertheless, here they are. Summer and summer flowers are upon us, even here in the Pacific Northwest.

Climbing Rose
Climbing Rose

My climber had bunches of roses blooming on it. I wish I knew e name of this one, because I love the flower color.

Red Knock Out Rose
Red Knock Out Rose Knock Out Rose is also blooming. We put this in a pot and are trying to find it a better home than it was in. This may be the spot.

Rugosa Roses
Rugosa Roses

My.Rugosa Rosas Rubra and Alba are in full bloom. How did this happen?

Beautiful Orange Rose
Beautiful Orange Rose

This.beautiful orange rose has several flowers on it. I love the color and form of this one, though I don’t know it’s name.

Moss Rose
Moss Rose

And my Moss Rose is beginning to bloom. The scent of the flowers is overpowering.


Not to be outdone by the roses, my blue and white campanula are now coming into bloom. These are some of the happiest flowers during my summer. They seem to bloom all summer into fall and line my side pathway. I let them self seed, which they do.

Dark Red Wigelia
Dark Red Wigelia

As is my dark red wigelia. This is almost in full bloom now, and will rebloom late in the summer.

I swear these were not blooming a few days ago. Yet here they are all along the side of my house. I hope you enjoy all the roses that are now blooming. There are a few that have not yet started. I can’t wait. Oh, Happy Summer!

I will be joining these garden parties. Why don’t you too.

Thursday Favorite Things – This is my first time joining this party.

Share Your Cup Thursday –  This is also my first time.

Fertilizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers – I’ll be joining Tootsie Time this week again.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – I’ll also be joining Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

Cottage Garden Party – My first time with this one too.


13 Replies to “Coming Up Roses In The Garden”

    1. I once gardened in a community garden. One of my neighbors in the garden brought by a moss rose to smell. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I admired it profusely. He promised to give me some which he would dig up. The next spring, I found a wonderful clump of this fabulous moss rose. I have had it ever since, even through two moves. They look very thorny, but the top ones are soft and feel like velvet as does the sheathe of the bud.



  1. Wow, what a terrific garden! I’ve just started gardening in the Pacific NW [Victoria on Vancouver Isle] & absolutely love the way everything grows so well here. I can only dream of having such gorgeous roses. Glad I found you!


    1. Vanessa,

      Thank you for coming by. I too, love the Pacific Northwest. Victoria is one of my favorite spots to visit. We usually come in on the Clipper. You have such a lovely city.



  2. Beautiful garden! Knock Out roses are my favorite and seem to be the type I can grow without much trouble. Thanks for sharing.



    1. Laurie,

      Thank you. We love our roses too. They are looking better than ever this year. And so far, no black spot.



    1. Beth,

      Thanks. And thanks for coming by. I am beginning to think that summer is really coming now that our roses are starting to bloom.



  3. ha! i’ve done that too, so focused on waiting for one thing ~ that i’ve completely missed something going on! glad you were able to see them before they dissapeared! thank you for sharing this post over here at Fishtail Cottage’s garden party! The red knockout rose is so stunning! xoox, tracie


    1. Tracie,

      Thanks for coming by. It really is funny to nearly miss something in the garden. Hopefully, it’s not something as important as watering on hot, dry days, which I have also done. And thanks, I do so love my Knock Out roses.



  4. Your roses are beautiful! We just added a new rose garden. Each of my 5 children gave me a bush for Mothers Day. My youngest son gave me a red knock out rose. It just bloomed 3 blooms and they were pink. lol! Still pretty but I know he wanted red. I also love Campanula. Mine is almost through blooming. Wish it bloomed all summer here. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. Looking forward to getting to know you.


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